Bestinver responsible investment principles

We want to play a role in the change towards a more prosperous, sustainable world, by seeking to increase the positive impact of our investments in society.

Our firm belief in Responsible Investment

At Bestinver we believe that responsible investment is not only essential to leave a better world for future generations, it is also a way to achieve better long-term returns from the funds that we manage.

Responsible investment principles and policies

ESG criteria

  • Aligned with our investment philosophy

    The organised and systematic integration of sustainability criteria into our investment process is fully in line with the fundamental foundations upon which the Bestinver investment policy is built:

    - Fundamental analysis: ESG criteria enrich our analysis and allow us to understand how companies are related to their environment and to society, helping us to identify profitable and sustainable business models.

    - Adequate risk management: ESG factors are key to improving our risk management process, enabling us to identify, audit and assess non-financial risks in our decision making.

    - Time horizon: incorporating ESG criteria improves alignment with our long-term view regarding investments, by supporting our strong commitment to companies that strive to create long-term value for their shareholders and for society as a whole.

    Principles and Policies

Integration of ESG criteria into investment processes

  • The key components of sustainable investing

    In accordance with our responsibility and commitment, all Bestinver investment strategies include the three key components of responsible investment:

    - Rigorous analysis of the main risks and opportunities linked to ESG factors in all our portfolios.

    - Proactive driving of a sustainable agenda and of improvement in the ESG performance of the companies that we invest in, through our interaction with management teams and proxy voting.

    - Exclusion from our investment universe of sectors or companies if we believe that these improvements are not possible due to the nature of their businesses or if their management teams fail to act or lack initiative, despite our proactive influence.

    In conclusion, at BESTINVER we want to be relevant, have an impact on companies' decision-making, identify risks and opportunities and connect ESG agendas with competitiveness, differentiation and profitability. These are all essential ingredients for sustainable value creation.

    Our objective is to improve our performance as investors, by influencing and improving the corporate culture of companies and creating ties with those that encourage the use of responsible practices concerning the environment and their employees, suppliers and, of course, shareholders.

Bestinver responsible investment principles

At Bestinver we want everyone to be relevant, to have an impact on decision making, to identify risks and opportunities and, ultimately, to connect ESG agendas with competitiveness, differentiation and profitability. These are all essential ingredients to create sustainable value. Find out more about our Principles and Policies for Responsible Investment.

Get to know Principles and Policies
  • “Sustainability, good governance and social aspects are going to be increasingly important when it comes to discriminating between listed companies. We believe that we have the obligation to contribute to the generalization of these practices and especially being the asset manager of the Acciona group, a global leader in sustainability."