Responsible Investment
Bestinver responsible investment principles
We want to play a role in the change towards a more prosperous, sustainable world, by seeking to increase the positive impact of our investments in society.
Our firm belief in Responsible Investment
At Bestinver we believe that responsible investment is not only essential to leave a better world for future generations, it is also a way to achieve better long-term returns from the funds that we manage.
Responsible investment principles and policiesESG criteria
Integration of ESG criteria into investment processes
Bestinver responsible investment principles
At Bestinver we want everyone to be relevant, to have an impact on decision making, to identify risks and opportunities and, ultimately, to connect ESG agendas with competitiveness, differentiation and profitability. These are all essential ingredients to create sustainable value. Find out more about our Principles and Policies for Responsible Investment.
Get to know Principles and Policies