More than 35 years creating value

We have grown together over these 35 years

35 years ago, BESTINVER was born as a small financial unit dedicated to actively manage family-owned portfolios. We always had a clear goal: long-term returns.
Today, we are an independent asset manager in Spain, with 46,000 investors and € 6,5 bn of assets under management.

Year 1987
  • 17 November
    BESTINVER S.A. incorporated
Year 1988
  • 26 October
    BESTINVER Gestión S.G.I.I.C. incorporated
Year 1989
  • 15 September
    BESTINVER Sociedad de Valores incorporated
Year 1991
  • 1 October
    BESTINVER becomes a member of the Madrid Stock Exchange. Tibestfond, BESTINVER's first investment fund is created
Year 1993
  • 13 January
    Bestinfond is set up, BESTINVER's first stock market investment fund
Year 1994
  • 1 March
    BESTINVER receives its first award: Bestinfond is chosen Best Spanish Equity Fund at the Diario Expansión Salmón awards
Year 1995
  • 30 October
    The fixed income fund BESTINVER Renta is launched
Year 1996
  • 30 October
    BESTINVER Ahorro, BESTINVER's first pension fund, is set up
Year 1997
  • 29 June
    The investment fund BESTINVER Mixto is set up
  • 1 December
    The investment fund BESTINVER Bolsa is set up
  • 31 December
    The first global equity investment fund is set up: BESTINVER Internacional
Year 2004
  • 31 May
    BESTINVER surpasses 1 billion euros in assets under management
  • 31 December
    The pension plans BESTINVER Global and BESTINVER Previsión are set up
Year 2005
  • 28 February
    BESTINVER surpasses 2 billion euros in assets under management
  • 1 April
    In the period 2000 - 2005 BESTINVER receives 37 awards for its equity management
  • 31 December
    BESTINVER surpasses 3 billion euros in assets under management
Year 2006
  • 24 July
    The investment fund BESTINVER Mixto Internacional is launched
  • 31 October
    BESTINVER surpasses 4 billion euros in assets under management
Year 2007
  • 30 September
    The hedge fund BESTINVER Hedge Value Fund FIL is launched
Year 2008
  • 14 April
    BESTINVER launches BESTINVER Empleo, its first Employment plan
  • 31 December
    BESTINVER starts managing funds domiciled outside Spain: Bestinfund, BESTINVER International and BESTINVER Iberian, based in Luxembourg
2010 - 2020
Year 2010
  • 3 December
    The investment fund Bestvalue is set up
Year 2011
  • 22 February
    BESTINVER launches the employment plan BESTINVER Empleo II
  • 19 December
    The investment fund BESTINVER Grandes Compañías is set up
  • 20 December
    BESTINVER creates its first Voluntary Social Welfare Entity (EPSV) BESTINVER Individual EPSV. It comprises two social provision pension plans: BESTINVER Futuro PPS and BESTINVER Consolidación PPS
Year 2012
  • 10 May
    BESTINVER launches the employment plan BESTINVER Empleo III
Year 2013
  • 1 September
    BESTINVER opens a London office
Year 2016
  • 15 May
    BESTINVER opens a commercial office in Barcelona
Year 2017
  • 16 November
    BESTINVER celebrates its 30th anniversary
Year 2017
  • 4 December
    BESTINVER opens a commercial office in Valencia
Year 2018
  • 1 January
    BESTINVER launches the social provision pension plan BESTINVER Crecimiento, PPS
Year 2018
  • 4 June
    BESTINVER opens a commercial office in A Coruña
Year 2018
  • 20 July
    The investment fund BESTINVER Corto Plazo is launched
Year 2019
  • 18 January
    BESTINVER launches Bestinver LATAM
Year 2019
  • July
    Bestinver reaches an agreement with the Findentiis Group for its integration
Year 2019
  • 31 October
    BESTINVER launches the investment fund Bestinver Bonos Institucional
2020 - Actualidad
Year 2020
  • 3 July
    BESTINVER launches Bestinver Deuda Corporativa fund
Year 2020
  • 23 October
    BESTINVER launches the Bestinver Infra fund, FCR
Year 2021
  • 11 June
    BESTINVER launches the investment fund Bestinver Bonos Institucional II
Year 2022
  • 7 October
    BESTINVER launches Bestinver North America investment fund
Year 2022
  • 1 November
    Mark Giacopazzi appointed CIO- Chief Investment Officer of BESTINVER
Year 2023
  • 30 June
    BESTINVER launches the investment fund Bestinver Bonos Institucional III
Year 2023
  • 22 September
    BESTINVER launches Bestinver Private Equity Fund, FCR
Year 2024
  • 16 Feburary
    BESTINVER launches the investment fund Bestinver Bonos Institucional IV
Year 2024
  • 15 March
    BESTINVER launches the Bestinver Infra II fund, FCR