Preguntas Frecuentes_en

1. How do I become an investor and what are the conditions?

You can become an investor by pressing the “become an investor” button. This gives you access to our step by step registration process and you will be able to start to invest in the product you wish.

We can also carry out the request to open an account and we will send the corresponding documentation via email or post.

To finish the process, a transfer must be made from your usual current account to the current account of the fund or plan that we will provide during the registration process. BESTINVER does not carry out transfer requests to your current account. You will be a holder in the fund or plan of your choice from the moment that the transfer to the current account of the fund is made.

Just a few days after becoming a client, proof of your first operation will be sent via post to your home address, as will your client code which you will need to create a password to access the private area of the BESTINVER website and therefore easily follow your investment.

2. What is the minimum amount I can invest in Bestinver?

The minimum amount established for the initial subscription to our investment funds and our pension plans is 100 euros. Additional contributions are 50 euros for both of them.

On the other hand, there is no minimum time established for keeping the investment, and there is not any kind of redemption fee.

3. Is there any kind of subscription or redemption fee?

There are no subscription or redemption fees.

4. How do I access the private area for the first time?

Just a few days after becoming a client, proof of your first operation will be sent via post to your home address, as will your client code which you will need to create a password to access the private area of the BESTINVER website and therefore easily follow your investment.

In your private area you can request the operational code for use in future operations. BESTINVER will send this via post and you should activate this upon receipt.

5. How do I get a reimbursement?

You can order the reimbursement by using the operational code or, if you do not have this, by sending us the carefully completed and signed reimbursement report. If you so wish, we can send this to you via email for you to then return it via email, fax or post.

You should state the holders’ details and the type of reimbursement. In the case of a joint signatory, both holders should sign.

6. What's the net asset value applied when making a reimbursement?

The net asset value that is applied to the reimbursement is that of the day the order was received, providing this was before 2pm. If this is not the case, the net asset value of the following working day will be applied.

There are no fees for the reimbursement.

7. How long does the reimbursement take?

The amount of the reimbursement will be deposited in your current account five working days after the date that the net asset value was applied.

If it is a complete reimbursement, meaning that there are no funds left, you can subscribe to said fund again by investing the minimum amount established (6,000 euros in the majority of cases).

8. What withholding is applied to the capital gains of my funds?

A 19% withholding is applied in the case of capital gains.

9. How do I find out about the capital gains or losses of an operation?

To find out about the capital gains or losses of an operation, just ask us and we will carry out a fiscal simulation for your specific case.

10. How do I order an internal or external transfer?

You can order the internal or external transfer by using the operational code or, if you do not have this, by sending us the carefully completed and signed transfer report. If you wish, we can send this to you via post for you to then return it via email, fax or post.


You should state the holders’ details and the type of transfer. In the case of a joint signatory, both holders should sign. If you are not a name holder of the funds of destination, you should also complete and sign the fundamental details for the investor and the cover sheet of the biannual report of funds.

11. What's the net asset value applied when making an internal transfer?


The net asset value that is applied to the source funds when making an internal transfer is that of the day that the order was received, providing this is before 2pm. The net asset value of the following working day is applied to the destination funds. If this is not the case, meaning that the order was received after 2pm, the net asset value of the following working day will be applied.


If it is a complete transfer, meaning that there are no funds left, you can subscribe to the fund again by investing the minimum amount of 6,000 euros.

12. What's the net asset value applied when making an external transfer?

The net asset value that is applied when making an external transfer of that of the day that the transfer was made to the current account of the fund.


The time-scale for the completion of an external transfer is approximately 10 working days from the moment it was requested.

13. Is there any kind of withholding applied to transfers?

No withholding is applied to transfers.

14. I have carried out an operation and I still cannot see if reflected. What do I do?

If you have made a transfer to subscribe to a fund and you still cannot see it in your position, or if you requested a reimbursement and the amount has not been deposited in your account, contact us and we will explain the status of the operation to you.

15. I have made an initial subscription or a reimbursement and I still have not received a receipt of such. What do I do?

Get in touch and we will make sure you get the corresponding proof. In said proof, as well as the operation details, you will also get your client code so that, should you wish, you can create a password to access the private part of the website and through that, follow the evolution of your investment.

16. How do I create the password to access my client area?

To create your password to access the private area of the BESTINVER website, you should access the client area and then pick the option “client area registration”. The password should be between 6 and 10 characters and cannot contain the letter ñ. It can be alphanumeric and the system distinguishes between upper and lower case letters.

17. How do I recover my password if I have forgotten it or it has been blocked after introducing it incorrectly?

To unblock your password you should contact us either over the phone or via post.


If you want to recover it, pick the option “I forgot my code” or contact us so that we de-register you and you can create a new one.

18. How do I get an operational code for the private area?

You can get an operational code by requesting it through your private area via the option “operate”. In approximately five working days you will receive this via post at your home address. This code is provisional: to activate it you should modify it for a different one of 6 numbers.

19. What can I do with my operational code?

You can carry out initial and additional subscriptions in investment funds, internal and external transfers and reimbursements. With the operational code you cannot open a pension plan or recover one.

20. Who can use the operational code?

Only physical people can use the operational code and, in the case of various holders, the type of signature should be different.

21. How do I recover my operational code if I have forgotten it or it has been blocked after introducing it incorrectly?

To unblock the operational code, you should request it via post or over the phone. To request a new operational code you need to de-register the old one.